Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Could Do Without the Fairies...

That was what my husband said after reading & watching A Midsummer Night's Dream for his English comp. class. Ah, well, they are pretty much important to the play I would say. He did laugh with me during parts, though.

A recent favorite "Joe-Quote" of mine came after Joe's full day at work, then classes, then home to study & write papers, as well as spend some time with the family. He was truly exhausted. The scene: Joe & I talking about a recent exam he had taken in his ed. class while I was getting ready for bed. The conversation:

Me: Well, how did you do?
Joe: (with irritation) I made an 80. I mean, I missed 4. Stupid.
Me: What did you miss? Did you study? (hmmm...seems like I had the same discussion with Rebekah earlier about one of her tests)
Joe: Yeah, I studied. (here comes the fave quote) I missed two of them because I chose the wrong answer.
Me: (bursting into giggles, ahhh DUH) That's usually why we get things wrong...
Joe: (beginning to laugh at himself, now a.k.a. Captain Obvious) That's not what I meant. I knew the answer. I just marked the wrong one.
Me: Yeah, sure. You know I'm going to post this, right?


Anonymous said...

I think this post is why David still can't get his mind around me having my own blog. Ha Ha I love it. I lost your email so we gotta figure out a way to get in touch. I'm loving your blog.

Kristy said...

Thanks for de-lurking!! I know. I try not to post everything...but some things are just TOO funny!

Brandi is trying to plan a little get-together for all of us, although I think Joe is a bit skeptical of us getting together. Be afraid. Be very afraid. hahaha

Amy said...

Girl, get off of that Facebook and give your blog readers a little love! :)

I say that with love, of course!