Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back in Bloggerland...

Well, I'm back after a long hiatus! Life continues to be crazy with Joe in school & working full-time.

Here are some highlights...

*Micah was voted class favorite with his little girlfriend, whom I understand he has kissed when the teacher wasn't looking...he btw, wants to be a cheerleader so he can catch ALL the girls!

*Rebekah continues to surprise me with her perception of me. She gets the American Girl magazine (awesome btw for girls!) & we took a quiz to see if our responses about ourselves & each other matched...amazing!

*I LOVE that the kids like for me, & Joe when he is able, to lie down with them for a few minutes each night to talk, sing songs, & pray together...I hope this time lasts (or at least builds into a good relationship foundation for the teen years!).

*One of our girls, who is very sweet & a classy young lady, was working on her goals project in social studies & wrote that to reach her goal of graduating high school, she must pass all of her STD's....I was ROFL...I believe she meant SAT's!!!

*I recently made a complete fool of myself, & enjoyed every minute of it, as I relived my high school days cheering in a faculty/student game for Relay 4 Life.

*Just when I think I can't take anymore & question my reason for teaching, something awesome or hilarious happens to remind me of that joy I can get nowhere else!

*I have actually started exercising...did some Sweatin' to the Oldies earlier this week, & then the R4L stuff...nothing like Richard Simmons to ease you back into things...I'm determined to get control of my weight & my life...I hate chaos, & my weight reflects all that I am not. Any ideas for how to slow down & still support Joe & let the kids be kids???

*We may have to take the kids out of the Christian school due to funds...VERY torn about this! I LOVE the school & the little girl that has been so ugly to Bekah is actually supposed to go somewhere else. Plus, the kids love it there, but we have to get ready to live off of me if Joe's class schedule takes any more time during the day & especially in a couple of years when he interns...praying hard!

Hopefully I will finish my post about last summer SOON!

1 comment:

Amy said...


Welcome back to Bloggerland! I've missed your updates!

If I had the answer to slowing down...I'd sell it and make some money. :) I'm trying to figure that out myself.

I'm trying to get into exercise mode again, too. And there's no shame in doing Richard Simmons! At least he provides comic entertainment while you work out!

Do you have any plans to go to W-town this summer?